Learn how to connect to a server using Linux or Mac via SSH
Step 1
Download your key from the Bunnyshell platform, from Settings -> SSH Keys -> Select the PRIVATE key -> Download.
Make sure to save your key in a place where you will have easy access, as you will have to use it in the next steps.
Step 2
Both Linux and Macs are very sensitive about private key permissions. On your machine use the following command to set the right permissions:
chown 400 /home/user/Downloads/1323_bunnyshell_ssh_key_1550476508473_private_rsa_key
The path must be set to the location where you downloaded the key, and the name of the key must be set to your own key name.
Step 3
Please make sure your firewall settings allow SSH connections for your IP. It can be that you already added the rule, but please check this just in case your IP changed.
1. Go to the Security tab on your server page
2. Use + to add a new rule
3. In the Service box select SSH
4. In the Source field select My IP (or leave CIDR block and add the public IP from which you want to establish the SSH connection followed by /32)
5. Give a unique Name to the new rule
6. Select Deploy changes
Note: Please check that no rule is duplicated in terms of IP and PORT as this can cause Firewall deployment failures.
Step 4
Connect to the server using the key that you downloaded:
ssh -i /home/user/Downloads/1323_bunnyshell_ssh_key_1550476508473_private_rsa_key bunnyshell@ip_of_the_server
It is critical to use -i /path/to/your/private_rsa_key as this acts as your password. Also, please ensure that the user is set to bunnyshell and that you enter the IP of your own server.
Note: At this point, you can use your own SSH connection manager tool as the important steps were completed.