For both Virtual Machines and Web servers, the steps are the same, as described below:
Go to Virtual Machine/WS -> Security -> Firewall
Firewall Rule Description
Add/change rules as you need. Each rule field has as meaning:
Service - select Custom to manually set your port. or choose a predefined one like SSH where port 22 (service port) will be auto-completed
Protocol - Select TCP for TCP connections, or UDP. In most cases, TCP is what you want (for ssh / sft / ftp / http / https / custom ports)
Port Range - set a single port number (i.e: 22) or a range (<number> - <number> i.e: 3000 - 3020). On this port you will allow connections to your machine
Source - any means any IP is allowed to connect to your machine. CIDR means you will manually set the IP CIDR. My Ip will get your IP and auto-complete it.
Source Address Prefix - the IP mask which is allowed to connect (we support only IPV4)
Please note that for a single IP address the format is IP/32 (/32 is a netmask that indicates that only that single IP can connect). If you would like to allow all addresses from you can use
Name - unique name to rule.